Majorityrights News > Category: Jewish Diaspora

Trump: We Are Going to Love Eachother

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 04 May 2016 07:24.

The Atlantic, “How Donald Trump Speaks to—and About—Minorities” 3 May 2016:

Does the presumptive Republican nominee see African Americans and Hispanics as part of the American “we”?

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Celebrating his big win in Indiana—and his elevation to presumptive nominee of the Republican Party—Tuesday night, Donald Trump spoke at Trump Tower in New York City, where he delivered a promise to heal the deep fractures in his party.

“We want to bring unity to the Republican Party,” he said. “We have to bring unity. It’s so much easier if we have it.”

Do Black Votes Matter to Donald Trump?

That will be a tall order. But as a general-election candidate, Trump will need to win over more than just Republicans. In his inimitable way, he pledged to bring together the rest of the nation as well.

“We’re going to bring back our jobs, and we’re going to save our jobs, and people are going to have great jobs again, and this country, which is very, very divided in so many different ways, is going to become one beautiful loving country, and we’re going to love each other, we’re going to cherish each other and take care of each other, and we’re going to have great economic development and we’re not going to let other countries take it away from us, because that’s what’s been happening for far too many years and we’re not going to do it anymore,” he said. (That’s a single sentence, if you’re keeping track at home.)

Trump faces significant obstacles to achieving that unity, particular with blocs that are not white men. Seven in 10 women view him unfavorably. It’s even worse with minorities. A recent Gallup poll found that 77 of Hispanics view Trump unfavorably. A Washington Post poll pegged that number at eight in 10, seven of them “very unfavorable.” An NBC News/Survey Monkey poll found an astonishing 86 percent of African Americans had a negative view of Trump.

One reason for those atrocious ratings is the way Trump speaks to and about minorities, which was on display during his victory speech Tuesday.

“We’re going to have great relationships with the Hispanics,” he said. “The Hispanics have been so incredible to me. They want jobs. Everybody wants jobs. The African Americans want jobs. If you look at what’s going on, they want jobs.”

Part of Trump’s rhetorical power is his supercharged used of “we,” a method that persuades people across the country that they are part of a larger movement, and somehow share with Trump his aura of wealthy and luxury. (It’s the same technique he’s used to sell real estate for years.) In the midst of his spiel about all the ways “we” would make America great again, Trump tossed in this passage about minorities.

His phrasing is telling. First, it suggests that for Trump, blacks and Hispanics aren’t part of “we”—“they” constitute separate groups. Perhaps that’s an accidental, unthinking division, but subconscious racial division is no less dangerous. Second, it shows him assuming that minority concerns can be reduced to economics. That view is perhaps unsurprising for a man who has spent his career trying to accumulate wealth, but it is a two-dimensional view of black and Hispanic Americans.

The fact that his policies simply don’t line up with what most African Americans want in a president is one reason his numbers with black voters are so bad. Another factor is a presidential campaign driven in large parts by divisive appeals to racism and bigotry against Hispanics, Muslims, and other groups. Trump also has a long history of racially charged incidents, from alleged tenant discrimination to his strident reaction to the Central Park Five.

The entertainer has long spoken about minority groups with the outdated formulation involving a definite article: “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks,” he said in 2011, using language that undermined his claim. He’s said similar things about “the Hispanics.”

Changing the way Trump speaks about African Americans and Hispanics won’t solve his problems with those groups, but if he wishes to unify the country, beginning to speak about them as though they are part of the American populace would be a good place to start.

Way to go right-wingers. As usual, the real Republican men are too rational to see race…these men are color blind, love everybody.

This loving domestic unity is going to be good for European EGI, going to be good for the economy - Asia is going to buy its products.

Invasion and the Wrecking of Libya

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 01 May 2016 10:20.

TNO, “Invasion and the Wrecking of Libya” 30 April 2016:

The African invasion of Europe across the Mediterranean Sea has been caused by the British and French governments’ wrecking of the Gadhafi regime in Libya—and is now also being aided by Libyan warlords and the Italian mafia.

According to an article in Germany’s Bild newspaper, the “disintegrated” state of Libya following Gadhafi’s fall made it much easier to send boats to Europe and “anyone who wants to, can do trafficking. Militia and Italian mafia are making their share.”

The Garabuli detention center where hundreds of Africans are detained by the Libyan government.

The Bild newspaper gained access to one of the Libyan government’s seaside detention centers being run by the new “anti-illegal immigration” department, and reported on the conditions prevailing among the sub-Saharan African inmates.

The country of Libya is in “disintegration,” the newspaper says.

The European Union-supported government “governs” from ships off the coast—because it is unable to govern from Tripoli, which is under the control of a “moderate Islamist” organization, Fajr Libya.

“And in the east of the country, the terror organization ISIS has conquered an area of 250 kilometers in length,” Bild continues.

This makes it easy for the traffickers to operate. At Garabuli beach, 50 kilometers away from Tripoli, invaders wait in abandoned buildings for the traffickers.

The Bild reporters met “Abdul,” a trafficker in Libya. He comes from Nigeria, just like many of the invaders he smuggles.

Abdul tells the Bild that “Under Gaddafi, it was much harder to send boats to Europe. But now there is no longer a state. Anyone who wants to can do trafficking. The militia and the Italian mafia are earning their share.”

The price for a place in a boat is currently around €1,200 euros. Over 100 people are transported on a single rubber boat. Wooden boats are used for up to 800 people.

“We came, we saw, he died!” ...she laughs.

The removal of Gaddafi is also an expression of the Israeli program, “Operation Clean Break”

* Monsanto Corporation apparently has a role in this as debacle as well.

GPS based study locates origin of Yiddish and Ashkenazim in Eastern Turkey

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 25 April 2016 05:14.

A new study which locates the origin of Yiddish and in fact, the Ashkenazim, in Eastern Turkey is interesting not only for the implications it has for Jewish origins and behavior, but because it has correspondence with the origin of the parent haplogroup of Jews.

However, the hypothesis that Jews have origins other than the Middle East presents problems and opportunities when looking at ways to deal with conflicts with them. When and how did Jews take on attributes that cause us problems? What to do about it based on the facts?

Fausette’s “niche theory” of the development of Jewish virulence traces the origin of their infamous rootless and parasitic behavior to the Babylonian captivity - thereafter, they returned to Palestine/Israel and occupied managerial niches over the sedentary populations; thus evolving a parasitic relation to native peoples.

If we take a look back further along their genetic line, to the origin of J1 in Eastern Turkey, however, their characteristic rootless and mercantile nature might predate and indicate that that Jewish evolution may have imposed itself on the Middle East having already mutated the characteristic form prior to the Babylonian captivity.

Another well known hypothesis of non-Middle East origin of characteristic Jewish peoplehood is The Khazar hypothesis made popular by Arthur Koestler. While Khazaria was much later than the Babylonian captivity and a bit to the east of eastern Turkey, the temperament that the Caucus mutations have given rise-to do have family resemblance to Jewish behavior. Inasmuch as the theory holds true, it could throw some predictive light on them.

Being of pragmatic disposition, I tend to be averse to the hypothesis that Jews are of Khazarian origin. The practical reasons to reject the hypothesis that I have in mind are firstly, to go along with the preponderance of genetic evidence which currently organizes them as Middle Eastern peoples. That goes to the second reason to be averse to theories of alternative, e.g., Khazar origins: the purpose to locate Jews both genetically and geographically in order to hold them to account, curb the shenanigans of their sundry diaspora - what Bowery has referred to as their horizontal transmission - which is the idea based on the niche hypothesis that their exiles and border crossings only select for their non-sedentary, parasitic characteristics. The solution that he proposes is that they be compelled to stay in one place and develop “vertical transmission”, a non-parasitic, viz., symbiotic relation with a particular land. Nevertheless, we certainly do not want to propose that their rightful place is among European lands and to allow them to continue their exploits among us; nor would it necessarily do us any particular good to see them return to the lands of ancient Khazaria or somewhere else in the near east, even if that is where they are from.

Even so, while it may not be convenient for those of us who’d like to see them all forced to go to Israel, stay there and perhaps develop some vertical transmission, we might need to have a deeper understanding of their motives and their place (or non-place, as it were) in order to come to a better concept of how to deal with them as they are, and as the facts are, whether in Israel or in diaspora.

I suppose that those who find the Khazar hypothesis appealing might be motivated from the opposite direction - that we might be able to put an end to the trouble that they are causing in the Middle East by denying their warrant to be there; and eventually perhaps diffuse their virulence by its assimilation or dying-off.

Whatever we might want, however, facts won’t necessarily bear it out. Nevertheless, there are important matters of historical punctuation, viz., when and where Jews begin as a people; and there is our capacity to determine how the facts count surrounding any such assertions: Jewish claims are assailable indeed; their claims are within our negotiative control and subject to our agentive preference. Operational verifiability will only assist us to warrantably assert our preferences.

First, let’s take a quick look at the kind of argument that is being made against the Khazar hypothesis:

And indeed, Kevin MacDonald et al. argue persuasively for the genetic and geographical location of the origin of Jews in the Middle East. KM and Duke argue that there’re only one or two (unreliable, they say), genetic studies that endorse the Khazar hypothesis, while scores, they say, verify ME origins.

Patrick Slattery argues that there are two massively difficult conversions that would have to have been made to underpin the Khazar hypothesis: first, a mass of people held to become the Ashkenazi would have had to convert to Judaism. Next and an even greater challenge, is to explain why people who are held to have originated in Khazaria spoke Yiddish - a largely Germanic language

Now, GW has raised very valid points about characteristic temperament and other kinds of special relation that Jews have to the area.

He has responded:

Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 16:18 | #

1. The Mosaic faith developed specifically as a survival mechanism in captivity, and developed through the Babylonian and Roman periods as such.  For any people which has lost its guarantor of group survival - its land - and faces a permanent exile, with a future holding no more than an inevitable process of persecution and genetic dissolution, a mass conversion to Judaism is a perfectly logical choice.

Groups are capable, under stress, of taking immense decisions, including to suicide en masse.  We should not regard mass conversion to a foreign faith as simply impossible.

2. Yiddish is an artificially-constructed language rooted in the languages of the host, particularly in the east, but containing influences from Hebrew and Aramaic which may simply originate in the oral faith tradition.

Again, while it isn’t quite Khazaria, it isn’t far from it either, and looking at this new GPS hypothesis, Eastern Turkey and surrounds show relevance to Ashkenazi origins and behavior after and perhaps before the Babylonian captivity. Interesting also is the fact that this study contradicts Slattery’s understanding of Yiddish as a mostly German derived language. The study below asserts that German words were merely added to an underlying language, the fundamental grammatical structure of which came from the East.

If we are willing to go to more ancient times, well prior to Khazaria, the fountain head of J1 does indicate an origin in Eastern Turkey (neither far nor very different climes from Khazaria) - viz., “the greatest genetic diversity of J1 haplotypes was found in eastern Anatolia, near Lake Van in central Kurdistan.”

The only problem with arguing non-ME origins for Jews is that it seems more helpful to middle-easterners than to Europeans. On the contrary, it could spread them around more and amongst us (e.g., from Turkey up into Eastern Ukraine!) - that is the last thing we might want when we need to quarantine them.

Want or not, however, it might even have some explanatory value for their influence on the margins of the Near East: In the Ukrainian - Russian war, for example; and their predictable role on both sides. Both Ukraine and ancient Khazaria would be appealing targets as a strategic and valuable real estate for them with some historical affinity as well as by being a place to put the products of Jewish men’s whore-mongering - prostitution is legal in Israel but the bastard products are not legally entitled by Israel to citizenship - they are not born of a Jewish mother. Where better to put them? Many of their mothers are Ukrainian or Russian, from these areas.

However, if we can pinpoint some of their characteristics virulence to mutations having occurred along the Silk Road in Eastern Turkey, that might help us to identify other anti-bodies to their virulence.

Atlas of Science, “Uncovering ancient Ashkenaz – the birthplace of Yiddish speakers”, 21 April 2016:

The origin of the Yiddish language (spoken at least since the 9th century A.D.), and consequently Yiddish speakers, has been debated for the past several centuries, mainly between linguists. While the Rhineland hypothesis suggests a German origin, the Irano-Turko-Slavic hypothesis, proposed by Paul Wexler, suggests a more complex origin starting with Slavic lands in Khazaria, followed by Ukraine, and finally Germany where the language was relexified, i.e., adopted a German vocabulary, but retained its Slavic grammar, which is why Yiddish was oftentimes called “Bad German.”

GPS predictions for the DNA of Ashkenazic Jews (orange triangles) overlap villages whose name may be derived from the word “Ashkenaz” that reside along the Silk Roads and other trade routes. GPS predictions for the DNA of Iranian (yellow triangles) and Mountain (pink triangles) Jews are also shown.

To evaluate these two hypotheses we applied the Geographic Population Structure (GPS) tool to the genomes of over 360 sole Yiddish and non-Yiddish speaking Ashkenazic Jews. This is the largest study of Ashkenazic Jews and the first one to study Yiddish speakers. Surprisingly, GPS honed in an obscure region in northeast Turkey. There we found four primeval villages (one was abandoned in the mid-7th century A.D.) whose name may be derived from the word “Ashkenaz,” suggesting that this was the central location of ancient Ashkenaz.

The search for ancient Ashkenaz has been one of the longest quests in human history lasting at least 1000 years (perhaps second only to Noah’s Ark that has been searched at least since the 3rd century A.D.). This is the only place in the world with these placenames and they cluster within a hub of atrade routes, as can be expected from a nation of traders where linguistic, genomic, historic, and geographic evidence converge.

Evidently, the ancient Ashkenazic Jews were merchants who, together with Iranian Jews, plied land and maritime trade routes and invented Yiddish as a secret language with 251 words for “buy” and “sell” to maintain their monopoly. They were known to trade in everything from fur to slaves. These findings are consistent with historical records depicting Jews as merchants. Indeed, by the 8th century the words “Jew” and “merchant” were practically synonymous. Around that time, Ashkenazic Jews began relocating to the Khazar Empire to expand their mercantile operations. Consequently, some of the Turkic Khazar rulers and the numerous Eastern Slavs in the Khazar Empire converted to Judaism to participate in the lucrative Silk Road trade between Germany and China.

After the fall of Khazaria (10-13th ce) Ashkenazic Jews split into two groups. Some remained in the Caucasus and others migrated into Eastern Europe and Germany that has been incorrectly proposed to be the original land of Ashkenaz. The two groups still call themselves Ashkenazic Jews, however the name became more strongly associated with the latter group. After their separation Yiddish became the primary language among European Jews and underwent relexification by adopting a new vocabulary that consists of a minority of German and Hebrew and a majority of newly coined Germanoid and Hebroid elements that replaced most of the original E. Slavic and Sorbian vocabularies, while keeping the original grammars intact.

Further evidence to the origin of AJs can be found in the many customs and their names concerning the Jewish religion, which were probably introduced by Slavic converts to Judaism, like the breaking of a glass at a wedding ceremony and placing stones over tombstones.

Our study demonstrate the potential of the GPS technology combined with citizen Science to shed light on the forgotten chapters of our history.

Eran Elhaik
University of Sheffield, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences
Sheffield, UK

Swedes Will Fight to The Last Drop of Blood to Keep this Project From Being Realized

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 20 April 2016 22:37.

Swedes start a fight at city hall and will not give up.

Lazar calls upon Medvedev to silence Vikhorev: “Jews took over under Yeltsin”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 17 April 2016 21:09.

Lazar shows Medvedev lesson from bible.

Interfax, “Russian chief rabbi asks to purge Russian political scene of anti-Semites,” 15 April 2016:

Russian Chief Rabbi Berl Lazar has asked Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to stop anti-Semitism from spreading among politicians.

“The Russian Jewish community is shocked by an anti-Semite escapade by a candidate in the United Russia primaries in the Chelyabinsk Region, Vladislav Vikhorev, who announced ‘a conspiracy of the Jews against Russian people’. But we are even more astounded by the fact that the organizing committee to hold the primaries, has just made a formal ‘warning’ to the anti-Semite and left him among the hopefuls for a place in the election list of the party led by you,” Lazar said in a statement, cited by his press service on Friday.

The Jewish community is well aware of Medvedev’s personal constructive stance on the national question, and also values President Vladimir Putin’s stance, as the latter “has repeatedly stressed the need for zero tolerance for any manifestations of xenophobia and anti-Semitism.”

“Thanks to a wise policy of the country’s leadership, at first, anti-Semitism was on the decline in Russia, but then has been completely marginalized. But, for that same reason, any anti-Semite escapade draws heightened attention. In particular, when it is an incident, in which an activist from the ruling party is involved,” the address said.

“I frankly hope that you, as the United Russia chairman, will react to the current situation, and will take effective measures to cleanse the Russian political scene from anti-Semites and from those, who hold a reconciling stance towards them, once and for all,” the rabbi said.

        Chelyabinsk, “Chief Rabbi Complains to Medvedev about Anti-Semitism in United Russia Party”, 15 April 2016:

Vladislav Vikhorev speaking in Chelyabinsk

Vikhorev was speaking during primaries debates on Sunday, April 10. The gist of his speech was that Russia’s main problem and security threat were the Jews. A “Jewish coup” had occurred in Russian under President Boris Yeltsin, said Vikhorev, and since then the Jews had been systematically destroying ethnic Russian culture, the state, and the financial system.

“We Russians are being killed for standing in the way of the Yids,” said Vikhorev.

Vikhorev is still listed as a candidate on the primaries website. The Chelyabinskh regional branch of the party decided to leave him in the race, letting him off with a warning that ethnic slurs were unacceptable.

Russian Reader


“Refugees” riot in Paris

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 17 April 2016 10:51.

In a historical Paris Metro station on the night of April 14/15, police reported a riot
by over 1,000 “refugees” - Eritreans, Sudanese, and Afghanis.

Spain: “Legal Immigrants” and ISIS

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 15 April 2016 16:25.

TNO, “Spain: “Legal Immigrants” and ISIS”, 15 April 2016:

The seizure of 20,000 new military uniforms—destined for ISIS in Syria—by police in Valencia, Spain, last month, has revealed the full extent of the ISIS support network amongst nonwhite invaders already legally resident in Europe.

The uniforms—five tons in all—were hidden under secondhand clothes in two supply containers seized at the city’s port, on their way to Syria.

According to transit documents, the uniforms had been sent from Saudi Arabia to Spain, but their appearance suggested they had originated in a NATO country.

In addition, a quantity of fertilizer, which can be used to make explosives, was also found at another location. Seven nonwhites were arrested.

The destination on the containers was Turkey—first to the port of Mersin near Cyprus, and then, via road, to Bad al Hawa, on the other side of the Syrian border.

The seizure, ordered by Spanish High Court Judge Eloy Velasco, was the continuation of an operation launched on February 7, when authorities arrested seven suspected members of a support group for ISIS in Ontinyent (Valencia), Ceuta, and the Alicante municipalities of Crevillent, L’Alqueria d’Asnar, Muro d’Alcoi, and Alicante.

The head of the network was Ammar Termanini, born in Aleppo (Syria) in 1972, and who arrived in Spain in 2012 after having lived in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.

Once in Spain he set up a company, Tigre Negro S.L. (Black Tiger Ltd.), of which he was the sole administrator. The company was dedicated to the import and export of textile goods.

Under cover of providing humanitarian aid, he sent a number of packages to Syria, where he traveled frequently.

The financier behind Termanini was Mohamed Abu El Rub Karima, born in Jordan in 1960 and a resident of Ontinyent, Valencia, Spain.

Inside his warehouse in the L’Altet industrial park, police found uniforms similar to those later discovered in the Valencia container.

Karima raised funds and made payments through hawala, the traditional Muslim system based on trust, and which allows for money to be moved around different countries without leaving any trace of bank transfers.

The network did not just send uniforms to Islamic State, but could also manage any other kind of request. One example was the type of fertilizer that is not sold in Spain and can be used to make explosives.

The problem of legally resident nonwhite invaders in Spain supporting ISIS is also apparent from statistics released in November last year by the Real Instituto Elcano think tank. That report showed that 45 percent of the 120 nonwhites arrested for terrorism-related offences in that country from 2013 to 2015 had Spanish citizenship.

“There has been a boom in homegrown jihadism in Spain, in tandem with the global jihadist mobilization that has been affecting Western European countries for the last four years,” reads the report, which was presented at the Third Forum on Global Terrorism, held in Madrid.

Geographically, Ceuta and Melilla are the biggest sources of jihadist activity on Spanish territory. The exclave cities, which are physically located along the northern coast of Africa, are the birthplace of 75.8 percent of all detainees arrested for jihadist activities since 2013.

Barcelona and its metropolitan area are the preferred grounds for jihadists living in Spain, with some 29 percent of all arrests being made there.

Now Iceland Imports Rape & Race Replacement

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 12 April 2016 11:31.

We thought Iceland was one of the good ones for their stance against the banks and their “debts.”

But now they are importing rapists and race replacement:

Iceland Monitor, “More Syrian refugees arrive in Iceland” 7 April 2016:

Eygló Harðardóttir welcomes a Syrian mother and baby. Iceland Monitor/Styrmir Kári

Four Syrian families arrived in Iceland yesterday and were welcomed by the Minister of Social Affairs and Housing, Eygló Harðardóttir.

“We care about your wellbeing in Iceland, and wish for you to take part in our society,” said Harðardóttir, warmly welcoming the people. One family will be moving to Kópavogur and the other three to Hafnarfjörður.

They have all stayed at refugee camps in Lebanon and were flown from there via Paris.

Representatives of the Icelandic Red Cross also welcomed the families and gave them gifts.

“Without a doubt many things will come as a surprise to you over the next few days, weeks and months, whether its our customs or habits, the weather or our nature, but hopefully soon you will feel like Icelanders and find out that we’re probably very similar to you. “

        Icelandic targets - discourtesy of Roosh V.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 01:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 14:02. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 07:25. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 16 Dec 2023 04:08. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 16 Dec 2023 03:13. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 16 Dec 2023 02:10. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:51. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Wed, 13 Dec 2023 05:59. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Wed, 13 Dec 2023 04:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 10 Dec 2023 12:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 10 Dec 2023 12:05. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 08 Dec 2023 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 08 Dec 2023 22:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Donald Trump gives Benjamin Netanyahu everything he wants.' on Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 23:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 22:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 20:17. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 18:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 18:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 17:48. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 17:27. (View)

Lydia Brimelow commented in entry 'Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say "I Told You So"' on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:58. (View)

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